
5 Practices for Good Communication with the Team

3 min read


Establishing clear and effective communication with the team is essential. As a team leader, being a good communicator is crucial in many ways. Not only is the team more motivated, but productivity also increases. In addition, good communication also contributes to reducing conflict and increasing retention.

Principles for good communication

As a team leader, your communication must be based on three basic principles:

#1: Clarity in Speech

Regardless of whether you are speaking in person with the team, by email, or sending a message by Zoom, you should try to be as straightforward as possible to avoid double interpretation. The minimization of words that are out of the social understanding that is not usual in everyday speech avoids wrong interpretations, which improves the understanding of the message.

#2: Try to Resolve Conflicts, not Create More

When communication is not done clearly, this can lead to even more conflict. So think carefully before talking to your team. Prepare and organize your speech to ensure your message gets to your team members.

#3: Communication Always Has Two Directions

As a team leader, it must not be forgotten that communication always has two directions. So, in addition to talking to your team, you also have to listen to them. Note that not all communication is verbal, often the behaviors we adopt and body language reveal much more than verbal communication.

5 Best Practices for Effective Team Communication

#1: Have an Inspiring Speech

When you are talking to your team, you should aim to have a motivational speech. Of course, there will always be problems or issues to be resolved, but when talking about problems with your team, try to be inspiring to convey your enthusiasm to them. BelieveA-believe that your motivating energy will make your team members see themselves in themselves. Imagine that you have a problem on your hands that needs a creative solution. Now, in your speech, you can choose to ask creative questions to “spur” and motivate your team to think outside the box and come up with different solutions.

#2: Learn to Listen

The role of a good team leader is not just to create a monologue; is, above all, listening. When you listen to your team members, there may be opinions that add value and that way it will be easier to find solutions to your problems.

#3: Share Company Values

Each company has its well-defined values. Good communication with the team should always take these values ​​into account and make them valuable enough to be shared by workers.

When your team understands and shares the company's values, not only will motivation be greater, but commitment will also be more positive.

#4: Show Yourself, Don't Hide

A good leader doesn't hide inside a cabinet or office. Indeed, you don't always need to be behind your team, however, you have to show yourself. This helps the team understand that you are there for them if they need help.

#5: Be Authentic

Good communication with the team is not something that can be automated, rather, it needs to be practiced, because, of course, you will have team members with very different and even contrasting personalities. Even if you were the best student in your course, experience is gained in the job market and it is through it that you become a better professional. You can even take your past work experiences and create new spontaneous forms of communication. Show that you also have questions and concerns and that the team's help will help you overcome them.


The better a leader's communication with his team, the more it is motivated and produced. Just don't forget that communication always has two directions. So, it's not enough just to talk, you also have to know how to listen.